Filter label
Indoor plant type
- Calathea orbifolia with palm leaf basket
- Philodendron 'Red Emerald'
- Velvet Calathea 'Tropistar'
- Spider plant Chlorophytum 'Atlantic' incl. decorative pot and stool
- Spider plant Chlorophytum 'Atlantic'
- Monstera in Bulb glass with LED lighting - Hydrophonics
- 4x Green houseplants — Mix 'Gorgeous Green'
- 4x Trendy indoor plants - Mix including brown baskets
- Cat grass Cyperus 'Zumula'
- Elephant's ear Alocasia cucullata on stem
- 3x Succulent Echeveria - Mix
- 5x Succulent - Mix
- 3x Aquarium plants - Mix 'Adventurous Aqua'
- 3x Succulent Crassula - Mix
- 5x Aquarium plants - Mix 'Attractive Aqua'
- 3x Aquarium plants - Mix 'Flourishing Fish'
- Wax Plant Hoya 'Krinkle' - Hanging plant - Bio
- 4x Air-purifying Calatheas - Mix including brown baskets
- 4x Air-purifying Calatheas - Mix including decorative anthracite pots
- 4x Prayer Plant Calathea - Mix Air-purifying plants
- 4x Prayer Plant Calathea, Ctenanthe - Mix Air-purifying plants incl. decorative pot
- Bromeliad Tillandsia 'Samantha' 'Samantha' Yellow-Green-Pink
- Bromelia Vriesea 'Happy Yellow' Yellow-Purple
- Dieffenbachia 'Tropic Snow' XL