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Air-purifying indoor plants
- Swiss cheese plant Monstera deliciosa
- Kentia palm Howea forsteriana
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including decorative pots
- Ivy Hedera 'Wonder' - Hanging plant
- 4x Air-purifying plants - Mix incl. Elho decorative pots Anthracite
- 4x Air-purifying plants - Mix incl. Elho decorative pots White
- Peace lily Spathiphyllum 'Pearl Cupido' White
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens XL
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including green and blue decorative pots
- Air-purifying plants - Mix 'Zuiverend Groen' Incl. decorative pots
- Dragon Tree Dracaena 'Magenta'
- Peacock Plant Calathea makoyana
- 4x Air-purifying plants - Mix
- Rattlesnake Plant Calathea lancifolia 'Insigne'
- Swiss cheese plant Monstera deliciosa green including basket
- Ivy Hedera 'Eva' - Hanging plant
- Prayer Plant Calathea 'Network'
- Hart's-tongue Fern Asplenium scolopendrium
- Chinese evergreen Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' grey-green
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with decorative white pot
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with decorative sea grass pots
- Calathea orbifolia with basket
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including decorative black pots