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Green House Plants
Green house plants bring life, colour and add character to the home. They are easy to care for and can be placed either on a window sill, living room furniture or on a coffee table even in a slightly darker spot of the room. These top-quality plants will be delivered directly to your home, which is very convenient. Choose your favourite green house plants from the range below.
- Wax Plant Hoya 'Krinkle' - Hanging plant - Bio
- 4x Prayer Plant Calathea - Mix Air-purifying plants
- 4x Air-purifying Calatheas - Mix including decorative anthracite pots
- 4x Prayer Plant Calathea, Ctenanthe - Mix Air-purifying plants incl. decorative pot
- 4x Air-purifying Calatheas - Mix including brown baskets
- Dieffenbachia 'Tropic Snow' XL
- Croton Codiaeum 'Mammi'
- 1x Begonia maculata + 1x Chinese money plant Pilea peperomioides
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green including hanging pot rattan - Hanging plant
- Chinese money plant Pilea peperomioides
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green incl. plastic hanging pot - Hanging plant
- Grey String of dolphins with mint-coloured hanging pot & Chain of hearts with blue hanging pot - Hanging plant
- Chinese money plant Pilea peperomioides incl. decorative pot
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green with rattan hanging pot
- 1x spotted begonia maculata + 1x Chinese money plant incl. decorative grey pots
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green with brown hanging basket
- 1x Spotted begonia Begonia + 1x Chinese money plant Pilea with 2x decorative pots
- Wax Plant Hoya 'Shirley' - Hanging plant
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green with blue hanging pot
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green with blue hanging pot
- 1x spotted begonia maculata + 1x Chinese money plant incl. decorative pots
- Philodendron scandens - Hanging plant
- Elephant's ear Alocasia wentii
- Elephant's ear Alocasia macrorrhizos