Whether you are an expert in indoor plants, or this is your first one, everyone wants to give their plants the best possible care. That's why we have put together these ten tips to hone your green skills. There are sure to be one or two that you haven't thought of before. Seize the opportunity and show your indoor plants a little more love than they're used to!
1. Just because the soil at the top of the pot is dry, doesn't mean that the soil deeper down is. First stick your finger knuckle deep into the soil. If the tip of your finger still feels dry, then the plant needs watering. If your finger is damp, then the plant still has enough.
2. Dust your indoor plants regularly. Bugs and pests love to live in the dust, so getting rid of it will really help your plant. In addition, the plant will be able to photosynthesise better and absorb more oxygen if it's free of dust. There are three ways to dust a plant. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, you can spray the plant with a plant sprayer, or you can put the plant in the shower and leave it under a spray of warm water.
3. It sounds wrong, but it's better to give your plants too little water than too much. Too much water means that the roots get no air and can start to rot. Too little water is also not great, but always keep in mind that it's easy to get a plant to recover from having had too little water.
4. When it’s hot in summer, you can help your indoor plants by setting them close together. The moist air that evaporates from the plants then accumulates to form a microclimate. This means that the potting soil remains moist for longer and the humidity around the plants remains higher.
5. Do you want to take extra-good care of your indoor plant? Use rainwater instead of tap water. Rainwater contains less lime, so plants love it!
6. It's best to repot your plant midway through March. This is when the growing season starts, and plants need space. Any roots that are damaged during repotting are also able to recover more quickly in this period. Choose a pot that is at least 20% larger in diameter.
7. Don't set your indoor plants against or near to a window: they can burn in the summer or freeze in the winter.
8. Make sure that you water all the way around the plant in the pot. If you only water one side, the roots and leaves will grow towards the source of the water.
9. Lots of people wait in vain but yellow and brown spots will not turn green again. It makes sense to remove these leaves regularly so that the plant doesn't waste any more energy on them. Not to mention, yellow and brown leaves attract bugs and pests.
10. One last tip for a hot summer or a cold winter when the heating is turned up full blast. Place a basin or a bucket of water near your indoor plants. The water in the bucket will evaporate and humidify the air.