A bouquet you can pick from your own garden

A bouquet you can pick from your own garden

Garden plants |

Every flower lover's dream!

Flowers that you pick yourself fill your home with lots of colour and a wonderful floral scent. You can regularly pick a beautiful bouquet from your own garden if you have the correct garden plants. Any garden, balcony or patio can be transformed into a cutting garden. The most important thing is that you find a spot with lots of sun.

Mix colour, scent and blooms

Flowers and flowering plants generally like a lot of sunlight, so choose a spot in the sun for the flowers you want to pick. Are you going for a cutting border, cutting flower pot or a whole cutting garden? The sky's the limit! When choosing your garden plants, make sure that you have a colourful mix of flower bulbs, annuals and perennials that flower at different times of the year. This way, your cutting garden will provide you with flowers from the beginning of spring right through to autumn. Dahlias, lilies, alliums and tulips are all suitable flower bulbs for bouquet of cut flowers. Mix these with flowering perennials such as peonies, larkspurs or echinaceas.

Get started

Creating a cutting garden or cutting border is very easy. Do you have a beautiful spot and the right flowers? Then it's time to roll up your sleeves.

  • Step 1: Prepare the garden or border by removing weeds, loosening the soil and mixing it with fresh potting soil.
  • Step 2: Plant the bulbs and plants at the right time. Spring-flowering plants should be planted in autumn, while summer bloomers should be planted in spring. Make sure that you pay attention to the distance between the plants and bulbs.
  • Step 3: Prune the plants when they reach a height of approx. 8 cm. This will boost the crop in the summer.
  • Step 4: Go out into the garden and pick your own bouquet

Enjoy your beautiful cutting garden!

That's where the… flowers come from!

To keep the flower beautiful and for as long as possible, pick a few fresh flowers from your cutting garden every day. If you can, pick the flowers early in the morning. Picking flowers encourages many plants to flower again: it's a win-win situation. The trick is to have a beautiful garden full of flowers and a nice bouquet in a vase. Don't pick the whole garden in one go so that it's bare. Cut the picked flowers at an angle and immediately put them in a vase with lukewarm water with a little cut flower food for a burst of colour in the house.

A complete bouquet

Flowers are the star of a bouquet, but you can't leave out the greenery, which you can also get from your own garden. Shrubs and trees have beautiful leaves that are perfect for a bouquet. Grasses are also becoming more and more popular for indoor use. Cut or snip your grasses with clean garden tools and place them in the vase. You will be able to enjoy the bouquet that you picked from your own garden for around two weeks. Are you interested in planting your own cutting garden? Check out our range of flower bulbs and perennials.

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