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Romantic fragrances

A wonderful fragrance and a romantic atmosphere — all courtesy of the standard rose 'Nina Rosa' (Rosa floribunda). The stunning red flowers compliment the dark green leaves so beautifully. The beautiful flowers also look lovely in a pot on your patio or balcony. You will receive the rose bare-rooted in sugar cane sacking. This is more environmentally friendly than plastic nursery pots. The roots come fresh from the ground and are already a year old. This gives them additional strength, enabling them to grow faster than they would in a nursery pot. They bloom better, are more affordable and are hardy perennial plants. Plant the rose in the autumn or early spring. The flowers bloom in the summer until autumn. Pune the rose each spring. In the summer, remove any wild shoots growing from the stem or roots.
This rose loves both full sunlight and partial shade. Water the rose generously immediately after planting. give it extra water during dry periods.

All of our roses are grafted, which means that they have a frost-sensitive grafting point (the thicker area where the branches originate). The advantage of grafted roses is that they are much more winter-hardy and last longer because roses grafted to rootstock are stronger.

Standard Tree Rose Rosa 'Nina Rosa' red - Bare rooted - Hardy plant

Rosa floribunda 'Nina Rosa'

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Fast delivery, within 5 working days

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Sustainably packed with recycled packaging material

Fresh from the nursery

Largest product range of organic plants

Supplied as bare-rooted stemmed plant
Not edible
Flowering June - October
Cut flower
Growing height 80 - 100 cm
6 months growth and flowering guarantee
Hardy plant
Location: Half shadow
Planting distance 80 - 100 cm
We supply A-Quality rose bushes with bare roots (quality demonination by the European Nursery Stock Association), with three sturdy branches. We store our roses in ideal conditions in the cooler at 2° C and 98% humidity, with no soil whatever on the roots. The quality is checked regularly and at several points, with the last check occurring shortly before shipping. Our rose bushes are treated with a special gel that protects them from drying out too much during transportation.
So, this standard rose bush has bare roots. These garden shrubs are in hibernation and will be activated upon planting. Prior to planting soak the roots of your rose bush overnight in a bucket of lukewarm water. Prepare a wide hole and loosen the soil thoroughly with a fork. Improve poor soil with an added mix of granulated manure and some well-rotted manure. Spread the roots out and plant your rose bush at the correct depth. Fill the hole with the improved soil, heel well in and water generously, immediately.
All our (bare rooted) garden rose bushes and other shrubs are very vigorous after planting so you will soon notice them growing on. Water regularly during this first growth spurt.
  This standard rose bush will also look wonderful potted up for on the patio. Use an attractive planter with holes in the base. Cover the base with potsherds or a layer of hydro-pellets followed by a layer of fresh potting compost – mix in some granulated cow manure, fill the pot with soil, press well down. Water your standard rose immediately after planting and give it a spot in full sun or part shade.
All standard roses need pruning every spring. In March, prune hard back to 3-5 eyes (buds). Leave 4 or 5 thick branches per stem. The roses that we supply have already been pruned properly so they will not require pruning again for another 18 months. In the summer remove any suckers that grow from the trunk or the roots. These are recognisable by the thorns and the seven fingered leaves. Fertilising roses Standard roses require a lot of feed for profuse flowering so do fertilise your roses regularly. Use granulated cow manure in the winter around the base of the stem. Layer mixed organic mulch in early spring. Use special rose fertiliser in July (see the pack for correct dosage.
This is a strong and sturdy standard rose bush with fantastic blooms. The roses are semi- double and appear all summer long. This particular standard rose bush will look great in a planter and of course exceptional in the garden. Enjoy it wherever you plant it.

Romantic fragrances

A wonderful fragrance and a romantic atmosphere — all courtesy of the standard rose 'Nina Rosa' (Rosa floribunda). The stunning red flowers compliment the dark green leaves so beautifully. The beautiful flowers also look lovely in a pot on your patio or balcony. You will receive the rose bare-rooted in sugar cane sacking. This is more environmentally friendly than plastic nursery pots. The roots come fresh from the ground and are already a year old. This gives them additional strength, enabling them to grow faster than they would in a nursery pot. They bloom better, are more affordable and are hardy perennial plants. Plant the rose in the autumn or early spring. The flowers bloom in the summer until autumn. Pune the rose each spring. In the summer, remove any wild shoots growing from the stem or roots.
This rose loves both full sunlight and partial shade. Water the rose generously immediately after planting. give it extra water during dry periods.

All of our roses are grafted, which means that they have a frost-sensitive grafting point (the thicker area where the branches originate). The advantage of grafted roses is that they are much more winter-hardy and last longer because roses grafted to rootstock are stronger.

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