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For beginners

It requires very little, but gives so much in return! The mother-in-law's tongue 'Straight' (Sansevieria). This house plant has strong, round, green branches. The branches store lots of humidity, so the plant does not need a lot of watering. Besides looking stunning, the 'Straight' also purifies the air!
The Mother-in-law's tongue is very easy to care for. Place the plant in a bright spot, just out of direct sunlight, to ensure that the leaves stay as green as possible. The mother-in-law's tongue doesn't need much water. It is important to water again only when the soil is dry. The indoor plant comes with a decorative grey rattan pot.

Snake plant Sansevieria 'Straight' incl. decorative pot

Sansevieria 'Straight'

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6 months growth and flowering guarantee
Location: Half shadow
What do I need?
• Ornamental planter
• Potting soil
• Hydro grains (optional)

How do I plant the Sansevieria in a pot?
This houseplant is delivered in a standard growers’ pot. It’s best for the growth of the Sansevieria to plant it in an ornamental planter. Select a planter that is at least 20 percent larger than the growers’ pot.

Cover the bottom of the ornamental planter with a layer of potting soil. Does the ornamental planter have a hole? Then start with a layer of hydro grains, so the water can drain away. The Sansevieria should be 1 to 2 cm below the rim. Remove the growers’ pot and place the plant in the middle of the ornamental planter. Fill the pot with fresh potting soil and press it down slightly.
What do I need?
• Watering can
• Plant food

How do I care for the Sansevieria?
The Sansevieria is an easy indoor plant that uses very little water. Watering it once every two weeks is sufficient. In winter, the Sansevieria can even go 6 to 8 weeks without water. It’s important that the soil dries out before you water again. Otherwise there’s a chance of root rot. So, if in doubt, it’s better not to water.

How much water you should give depends on how big the pot is and the amount of light. Placed near a south-facing window, the plant may need 3 times as much water than when placed near a north-facing window. A spot at a maximum of 4 metres away from the window is recommended. Is the soil still feeling very wet after 3 days? Give less water next time. A low dose of plant food should only be given in spring or in summer.
The Sansevieria has the outward appearance of a succulent (Crassulaceae). Yet it belongs to the family of lilies (Asparagaceae). It can handle almost any condition. That’s because the leaves retain moisture. This allows the Sansevieria to stand near a radiator, despite the dry air. In summer, your balcony or terrace is also an option. At temperatures below 10 degrees it must be kept inside. 

For beginners

It requires very little, but gives so much in return! The mother-in-law's tongue 'Straight' (Sansevieria). This house plant has strong, round, green branches. The branches store lots of humidity, so the plant does not need a lot of watering. Besides looking stunning, the 'Straight' also purifies the air!
The Mother-in-law's tongue is very easy to care for. Place the plant in a bright spot, just out of direct sunlight, to ensure that the leaves stay as green as possible. The mother-in-law's tongue doesn't need much water. It is important to water again only when the soil is dry. The indoor plant comes with a decorative grey rattan pot.

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