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Small but powerful

Small but powerful! This thyme plant grows compactly but gives off a powerful fragrance. It can be used to enhance a wide variety of dishes from soup to stews. It also produces cheerful pink flowers in summer. This organic thyme is grown using natural crop protection products. As a result, you can eat the leaves straight off the plant! 
It grows best in full or partial sun.  
Tip: Thyme is really versatile! It can also help to widen your airways.  

Garden thyme Thymus 'Compactus' — Organic

Thymus vulgaris 'Compactus'

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Largest product range of organic plants

Supplied as container plant
6 months growth and flowering guarantee
Hardy plant
March - January
Location: Half shadow
Planting March - January
Plant the kitchen herbs together in a large pot, or use a small pot for each separate type. Place a few stones or pot shards at the bottom of the pot. Fill the pots with standard potting soil. Create a plant hole and loosen the soil well. Place the root ball of the kitchen herb at the correct depth in the plant hole. The top of the ball should be just below the soil level. Fill the plant hole with soil and press down firmly. Water immediately after planting. These kitchen herbs will grow best in soil that is not too dry and is rich in humus. Make sure the water is able to drain away. Create your own herb garden The kitchen herbs will also grow really well outdoors in open ground. Choose a spot with good drainage in a location in full sun or partial shade. Improve your garden soil by mixing in compost and peat. These herbs also look really nice in a real herb garden: a piece of land, possibly a plot surrounded with a few 'box' hedges, for a real old-fashioned herb garden.
Water extra during dry periods. Winter thyme blooms in July – September with lovely pink flowers. Plant winter thyme in a sunny to part sunny location in water-permeable soil. The smell and taste of thyme will become more aromatic in a sunny location. Harvesting method Harvesting period June – November. It is possible to harvest winter thyme from spring into autumn. It is easy to harvest winter thyme (Thymus vulgaris) by cutting off the leaves as you need them. You can even harvest and use the flowers! For tea, you should harvest per stem. When harvesting, you should always leave the heart of the plant untouched. It would be best to harvest with scissors, a knife or with your thumb and index finger. Strip the leaves off the slightly woody stem. Do be careful that you do not pull the plant out of the soil. Do not harvest too much from one plant. As long as the plant continues to produce new leaves, you will be able to continue harvesting. In this way you can harvest from the same plant for many months!
Winter thyme is an aromatic plant that grows in the wild in the coastal areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. It has been used for more than 2000 years in various cultures. For many centuries it could be found in the herb gardens of convents. Winter thyme (Thymus vulgaris) or German winter thyme is a representative of the labiate family (Labiatae or Lamiaceae, both are allowed). By nature, it grows in drier soils. Winter thyme is an evergreen perennial and looks like a mini shrub. In the winter, it is possible that the plant above ground may freeze, but in spring it will usually return. The plant is self-seeding to a limited degree without becoming too invasive. The plant blooms in summer with pink flowers producing a lot of nectar. For that reason, Thymus vulgaris is a popular plant with bees and beekeepers.

Small but powerful

Small but powerful! This thyme plant grows compactly but gives off a powerful fragrance. It can be used to enhance a wide variety of dishes from soup to stews. It also produces cheerful pink flowers in summer. This organic thyme is grown using natural crop protection products. As a result, you can eat the leaves straight off the plant! 
It grows best in full or partial sun.  
Tip: Thyme is really versatile! It can also help to widen your airways.  

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