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Soft velvet

An abundance of flowers in a rugged, durable pot. The clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' (Clematis) is very winter-hardy and a real eye-catcher. The large-flowered 'Rouge Cardinal' has beautiful dark red to deep purple-red flowers. With a velvety glow. With a diameter of 13–18 cm! The flowers bloom in the spring. Often with a less profuse second flowering in autumn.
Tie up the clematis well during the growing season. Only prune when a tangle of stems has developed. Prune it after flowering. The clematis likes to have its crown in full sun The roots, on the other hand, like to be sheltered. So make sure that there is always something growing in front of the plant that will help to shade and cool the plant. A potted plant requires more water than one in the open ground. Always check the soil to see if it feels slightly moist. The 'Rouge Cardinal' comes with a lovely grey TS Nova flower pot. It's very handy! Your plant is ready to be placed in a nice spot right away.
A combination that steals the show!

Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' Red incl. decorative pot

Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal'

Regular price £28.49
Sale price £28.49 Regular price £28.49
Tax included.

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Sustainably packed with recycled packaging material

Fresh from the nursery

Largest product range of organic plants

Not edible
Flowering July - September
Cut flower
Growing height 200 - 300 cm
Hardy plant
Location: Half shadow
Location: Shadow
Planting distance 50 - 70 cm
Prior to planting make sure that the root ball is soaked well by placing in a bucket full of lukewarm water. Prepare a suitable hole in moist, well-drained soil. Place the root ball of the clematis at the right depth in the hole - the top of the root ball should be just slightly below ground level. Fill the hole with soil, press firmly down and water immediately after planting. Clematis grows well when you mix nutritious compost into the garden soil. This vine will be happy anywhere, in complete sunshine or planted in semi shade! Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' complements other plants The clematis is a good and hardy climber, ideal for adorning pergolas and fences. It is definitely a ‘must have’ if you have an unattractive wall. This particular clematis planted next to Clematis 'Pink Fantasy' or Clematis 'Apple Blossom' or Clematis 'Star of India' would be absolutely perfect.
The clematis really dislikes dry soil, so water more often during dry periods. They like to keep their ‘feet' cool whilst the foliage is in the sun – this can be achieved by planting low-growing plants around the base or covering with a mulch of garden compost. This climbing plant grows well along a fence or pergola. Help it to climb and fill in gaps by tying the new shoots to a support as they grow. Pruning Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' is a late bloomer and grows on the current year's wood. It belongs in pruning group 3 - Pruning is normally necessary for abundant flowering. Lightly prune all the stems back to a strong pair of buds at the end of February or the beginning of March. Remove dead or damaged stems and cut off any faded flowers in autumn. To rejuvenate the whole plant, cut last year's wood hard back in early spring (although be aware that this can however affect the earliest flowers).
The Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' is a strong plant with crimson flowers and creamy coloured stamens. While clematis does lose its leaves, this variety is very profusely flowering.Clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' is a summer flowering clematis and a representative of the Jackmanii Group. It is the result of hybridising Clematis 'Ville de Lyon x 'Pourpre Mat'.

Soft velvet

An abundance of flowers in a rugged, durable pot. The clematis 'Rouge Cardinal' (Clematis) is very winter-hardy and a real eye-catcher. The large-flowered 'Rouge Cardinal' has beautiful dark red to deep purple-red flowers. With a velvety glow. With a diameter of 13–18 cm! The flowers bloom in the spring. Often with a less profuse second flowering in autumn.
Tie up the clematis well during the growing season. Only prune when a tangle of stems has developed. Prune it after flowering. The clematis likes to have its crown in full sun The roots, on the other hand, like to be sheltered. So make sure that there is always something growing in front of the plant that will help to shade and cool the plant. A potted plant requires more water than one in the open ground. Always check the soil to see if it feels slightly moist. The 'Rouge Cardinal' comes with a lovely grey TS Nova flower pot. It's very handy! Your plant is ready to be placed in a nice spot right away.
A combination that steals the show!

Often bought together

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