Quick and easy
A fresh, strong flavour. Garden cress (Lepidium sativum) is easy and fun for children to plant. A must-have in your herb garden! The quickly germinating cress contains a lot of vitamin C and it tastes scrumptious in a salad. You can plant the herb seeds indoors year round with adequate light and a temperature of 20ºC. Plant them in the open ground outdoors in March to October. Plant every two weeks for a fresh harvest. You can harvest all year round.
Space the cress seeds 0.5 cm apart. Space the rows at a distance of 0.5 cm. Plant at a depth of 0.5 to 1 cm. Cress can be planted anywhere you like. After sowing, water the seeds adequately. The herb seeds come in a bag containing approximately 15 grams. This is enough to sow 2 square metres.