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Delicious beetroot with a high yield!

Red beetroot 'Kogel' (Beta vulgaris) with a beautiful deep red flesh is an excellent beet for storing. 'Kogel' beetroot have a delicious taste, and produces a very heavy crop.

Beetroot 'Kogel'

Beta vulgaris 'Kogel'

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July - November
Location: Half shadow
Beetroot seed needs no prior treatment - the seed is ready to use. How to Sow Sow in the garden - March to May
Sow in the cold frame - February and March

Beetroot needs a sunny spot, March through to May (from February if using a cold frame). It's a good idea to sow (half) a row of seed every couple of weeks to give you a harvest almost throughout the year. Loosen the soil with a fork to at least 30 cm. Draw a furrow 1 cm deep and label the row. Mix the seed with some dry sand and sprinkle along the row between thumb and forefinger as thin as possible. Cover with 0.5 cm soil, press carefully down and sprinkle with water. Extra rows, 20 cm apart.

In the cold frame or indoor propagator, fill the trays with a good, fine potting compost, mix the seed with fine dry sand and spread it evenly over the soil. Cover with a thin layer to 0.5 cm, press lightly down and sprinkle with water. Cover with a sheet of glass or of course the frame's window. Stand in a light spot by normal temperature (or in the cold frame). Once germinated, remove the glass (open the frame's window).

The beetroot seeds will germinate in 14-21 days. The seedlings can be thinned out and immediately transplanted after 2 or 3 weeks. Each seedling needs about 10-12 cm space in the row. As the plant has a taproot, do not leave it too long before transplanting them.
Beetroot may require some extra fertiliser (a sprinkling of granulated cow manure), especially potassium once they're growing well. Water extra in periods of drought and keep the bed free of weeds. This will promote good healthy growth of your beetroot. Harvesting Harvest from June through November.

When harvesting always select the largest of the beetroot, leaving the smaller ones to continue growing. Carefully pull up individuals, or use a small trowel to loosen the soil around each one. Early sown beetroot is ready for harvesting earlier in the season.
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris 'Kogel) is a beautiful red, inside and out.

The roots of this biennial plant are harvested in the first year. The second year, the foliage continues to grow and produces a large flower stalk, but will quickly bolt and form an uninteresting flower stalk.

Beets are strong, robust plants that do not have many problems with any pests or diseases. They tolerate the cold and can be harvested right through the autumn. Nowadays there are many varieties of beetroot on the market, usually focusing on the various colours of the beetroot 'flesh'.

This beetroot is part of the Beta vulgaris group and belongs to the family of Amarantes (Amaranthaceae).

Delicious beetroot with a high yield!

Red beetroot 'Kogel' (Beta vulgaris) with a beautiful deep red flesh is an excellent beet for storing. 'Kogel' beetroot have a delicious taste, and produces a very heavy crop.

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