Colourful garden
A garden full of colour, butterflies and bees. The gladioli mix 'Garden' (Gladiolus) brightens the garden Ideal for borders. Or as a cut flower in a beautiful flower arrangement indoors. Plant the tubers in the spring. The flowers bloom from summer until autumn.
Plant seven tubers per linear metre. Space the tubers out when planting. The distance between plants is three times the width of the tuber. Plant the tuber the depth of three times the tuber's height. The flowers love partial shade. Water the gladioli immediately after planting. Water it more during dry periods. The tubers come in organic packaging. 100% degradable and contributes to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
All of our flower bulbs have the Holland Selection A quality mark, and come with a 100% guarantee that they will grow and bloom. You can be certain that the flower bulbs will grow.