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Fantastic strawberry varieties

The tastiest strawberries from your own garden! The organic 'NoMieze' strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) is an easy-to-grow strawberry for the kitchen garden or simply in a pot on the balcony or patio. The 'NoMieze' produces deliciously sweet and juicy fruit. Plant the strawberries in July or early August, but never later than mid-September. You can enjoy the most delicious strawberries all summer long.
Plant the 'NoMieze' in a nice spot in the sun. Ensure that the plant gets enough water. It's best to give the plant extra water during dry periods.
A beautifully sweet temptation!

2x Strawberry Fragaria x Ananassa 'NoMieze' Organic

Fragaria x ananassa 'NoMieze'

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Supplied as bare-rooted plant
Flowering May - July
Growing height 30 - 40 cm
Hardy plant
June - July
Location: Half shadow
Planting distance 30 - 40 cm
Self pollinating
Plant your strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa) immediately upon receipt into pots and planters or, into the garden. If potting them up, do ensure good drainage. Layer a pot with holes in the base with gravel or hydro-pellets. Line a porous pot with plastic or use plastic pots. This prevents evaporation and the root ball will not dry out so quickly.
Add fresh potting compost to your pot and plant your strawberry plant (Fragaria x ananassa) at the right depth. Planting distance is approx. 20 cm. Fill the pot and press it all firmly in. Water immediately and stand the pot in full sun.
  Planting strawberries in the garden Planting your strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) in the garden? Strawberries are usually planted in rows - slightly further apart compared to in pots. Loosen the soil with a fork and improve poor, sandy soil with some well-rotted manure. They like a humus rich soil that is not too dry, but it must also not be too wet, especially in the winter. Clay soil needs some sand added and some well-rotted manure too. A slightly raised bed can be covered in black plastic and the strawberry plants are then planted through that. This helps prevent strawberry rot.
These strawberries don't need crop rotation and they will grow anywhere.
Feed your strawberries in the spring with our special strawberry fertiliser. Do not use one with too much nitrogen because that makes them watery. Keep the bed free of weed and water extra in dry periods. A nice mulch is recommended because it helps keep the soil moist as well as protecting the fruit from rot.
If not planted over black plastic, layer some straw under and around your strawberry plants. The foliage of the strawberry plants looks unsightly a few weeks after harvesting, it's then time to cut it all back, leaving only young growth coming through. Remove suckers too.
These plants usually remain in the same spot two years in a row. Then we recommend creating a new bed in a different place with young plants. Strawberries also grow well in pots and planters, but you need to store them in a cool frost-free area for the winter. Harvesting strawberries Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) come in 2 groups:
  1. Those that fruit once only. These have a limited harvest period, from June into July... mostly July.
  2. Perpetuals. These varieties will fruit from June into October.
At the end of the day, both varieties average around the same yield over the year. It's just the picking times that vary.
Strawberries are tastiest if allowed to ripen on the plant, so the idea is to pick them regularly. The fruits don't last very long so eat them or use them in jams etc, a.s.a.p. after picking.
Birds will certainly eat them all if you don't protect them. Consider covering with hoops and netting to keep them off.
Strawberries are one of the most popular of all fruits, especially with children. Most strawberry varieties (Fragaria x ananassa) are highly productive with large, firm succulent fruit - shiny too! They have a delightful strawberry smell that doesn't affect the taste. These plants are rarely frost sensitive, so no worries there.
Strawberries are full of calcium, phosphorus and Vitamins B and C.

Fantastic strawberry varieties

The tastiest strawberries from your own garden! The organic 'NoMieze' strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa) is an easy-to-grow strawberry for the kitchen garden or simply in a pot on the balcony or patio. The 'NoMieze' produces deliciously sweet and juicy fruit. Plant the strawberries in July or early August, but never later than mid-September. You can enjoy the most delicious strawberries all summer long.
Plant the 'NoMieze' in a nice spot in the sun. Ensure that the plant gets enough water. It's best to give the plant extra water during dry periods.
A beautifully sweet temptation!

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