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Indoor plant type
- 5x Aquarium plants - Mix 'Compelling Colours'
- Bromeliad Bromelia sp Guzmania 'Crown' Red-Yellow
- Syngonium 'Red Heart'
- Syngonium 'Golden Alusion'
- Clusia in Bulb glass - Hydrophonics
- 3x Indoor plants - Mix 'Tropical House' Incl. decorative pots
- Swiss cheese plant Monstera pertusum XL green including moss pole
- Velvet Cardboard Anthurium clarinervium
- Pilea glauca
- 3x Bedroom plants - Mix including baskets
- 3x Bathroom plants - Mix including decorative pots
- Clusia in Samoa glass with LED lighting - Hydrophonics
- 3x Bathroom plants - Mix including decorative white pots
- 3x Bedroom plants - Mix including decorative white pots
- 3x Bathroom plants - Mix
- 3x Bedroom plants - Mix
- Coffee plant Coffea incl. wooden pot
- Snake plant Sansevieria 'Fernwood Punk'
- Butterfly Orchid Phalaenopsis 'Tablo Champagne' White incl. decorative pot
- Philodendron 'Shangri La'
- Elephant's ear (Taro) Alocasia zebrina
- Elephant's ear Alocasia zebrina with decorative gold pot
- African Fig Tree Ficus benghalensis 'Audrey'
- Calathea Stromanthe 'Triostar'