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for your valentine

Love is in the air! This wax flower (Hoya apocynaceae) is fun to get and even more fun to give. With its heart-shaped leaf, it conveys a clear message. The Hoya is also strong and long lasting. If that's not a symbolic present?
Place the plant in a light spot, out of direct sunlight. Give it a little water once a week. You will receive it in a nice decorative pot.
For the real Plant lovers!

Heart Plant Hoya kerrii incl. decorative pot

Hoya kerrii

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Largest product range of organic plants

Not edible
Growing height 10 - 20 cm
6 months growth and flowering guarantee
Location: Half shadow
Location: Shadow
Stand your Lucky Heart plant (Hoya kerrii) in a light spot upon delivery – preferably out of the midday sun and not right above a hot radiator. Water immediately.
Water your Hoya kerrii (Lucky Heart plant) weekly to keep it healthy. Not too much! Just a small anount, and regularly. Add food for flowering plants to the water every two weeks. In the summer when its hot you can water twice a week but only when the potting compost feels dry to the touch.

Hoya kerrii has a natural dormant period in November and December so water less then and do not feed at all. Stand it somewhere preferably cooler (10-12 degrees centigrade) – perhaps an unheated bedroom. Feed again after the dormant period is passed.

Lucky Heart plant is not bothered about the dry air of our centrally heated homes. Do not turn it too often as this can cause the buds to drop. Leave old flowers hanging as they can flower again!
This plant originated in tropical South East Asia. Hoya kerrii is a vigorous indoor plant which is easy to grow. With its thick dark-green shiny leaves it is considered to be a succulent, therefore requires little water. 
Because of the heart-shaped leaves the plant is often given as a gift for St. Valentine’s Day. This plant can sometimes produce fragrant, white flowers.
The hoya is classified under Apocynaceae.

for your valentine

Love is in the air! This wax flower (Hoya apocynaceae) is fun to get and even more fun to give. With its heart-shaped leaf, it conveys a clear message. The Hoya is also strong and long lasting. If that's not a symbolic present?
Place the plant in a light spot, out of direct sunlight. Give it a little water once a week. You will receive it in a nice decorative pot.
For the real Plant lovers!

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