Garden plant: (Potted) Chrysanthemum

(Potted) Chrysanthemum

As the nights get longer and the days shorter, (potted) Chrysanthemums add colour indoors and outdoors. Did you know that potted chrysanthemums will be happy indoors and outdoors? Orange, white, yellow, red, purple, pink, small flowers or large flowers, they will add a warm appearance when it is so gloomy outside. This plant actually creates its buds as the days shorten, then flowers so abundantly that you can barely see the foliage! The pretty, rounded plant full of flowers shines out for weeks on end and can really brighten up an autumn day.

(Potted) ‘mums’ background

The Garden Plant of the Month September is (potted) chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum). Chrysanthemum derives from the ancient Greek chrysos (gold) and anthemon (flower) – so, goldflower. The most common colour ‘mums’ is yellow but the plant is now also to be found in autumn shades like orange, red and brown, or even pink, lilac and white. There are single and double varieties, but also chrysanthemums with ‘spoon’ shaped petals or ‘spidery’ petals. Such a huge choice!

Caring for (potted) mums

A (potted) chrysanthemum is a low maintenance plant that will flower from August into November. Pick a light spot, or in part shade or even full sun, the plant will soon transform into a colourful globe. Water your (potted) chrysanthemum regularly and don’t allow it to dry out. The ball shape often prevents rain water from falling on the soil, potted or otherwise, so do keep a good eye out. An abundantly flowering plant needs extra energy from somewhere so feed your (potted) chrysanthemum fortnightly. If you snip off overblown flowers regularly, you will be able to enjoy the flowering on your (potted) chrysanthemum for longer.

Pruning and keeping your (potted) chrysanthemum

Pruning and keeping your (potted) chrysanthemum

Once your (potted) chrysanthemum has finished flowering, you can keep the plant and bring it indoors to flower again next year. Store your (potted) chrysanthemum frost free, yet cool (wrapping it will also suffice). Cut it back hard in early spring – right back to just a few inches above the soil. Stand it outdoors (or unwrap it) in March/April and once the days are light for longer than 12 hours, you will soon see new shoots appear. As the days begin to shorten again, your (potted) chrysanthemum will flower anew.