Spray roses

Spray roses create a cascade of flowers in the loveliest shades. Just fabulous in flower beds, borders or in pots/planters. Spray roses are a great companion for the delightfully scented lavender. This type of rose is popular for a long-lasting and abundant flowering – well into autumn. One really great advantage of spray roses is that they produce several flowers per stem. For a really enjoyable effect, plant several next to one another. Give our selection of the loveliest spray roses a little attention and find some to please you!

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Spray roses

Spray roses in pot

Spray roses look great potted up in large planters or tubs and can transform a patio or decking into a sea of blooms. If you are going to plant roses in a planter it is important that you ensure it has proper drainage. It’s a good idea to layer the bottom of the planter with gravel or clay pellets (hydro-pellets). Potted rose bushes regularly need some (rose) fertiliser to keep them healthy and strong. It is also important that the pot is big and deep enough.

Varieties of spray roses

Spray roses belong to the Floribunda group or the Polyantha group. The floribunda group has slightly smaller flowers than those of the large-flowered roses. The Polyantha group has even smaller flowers but this is greatly compensated by the huge numbers of flowers these fabulous rose bushes produce.
For more tips on planting and grooming spray roses, check out our gardening advice pages online.
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