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Place in your house
Beautiful green house plants don't just look great in your living room; don't forget the bathroom and bedroom too! Every spot in your home deserves a touch of green. To inspire you, we have put together a selection of our favourite plants for the living room, bedroom and bathroom.
- Painted-leaf Begonia 'Asian Tundra' incl. decorative pot green
- Elephant's ear Alocasia cucullata
- Flamingo plant Anthurium 'Joli Pulse' Pink-Green incl. decorative pot
- Flamingo plant Anthurium 'Joli Pulse' Pink-Green
- 3 Bromelia Tillandsia 'Rubra' Red-Green
- 3x Ivy - Mix 'Lovely Hedera's'
- Ivy Hedera 'Pittsburgh' - Hanging plant
- Ivy Hedera 'Goldchild' - Hanging plant
- The grape ivy plant Cissus discolor green-grey-red
- Rubber plant Ficus elastica 'Abidjan'
- Chain of hearts Ceropegia woodii pink - Hanging plant
- 2x Swiss cheese plant Monstera minima including decorative white pots
- 2x Swiss cheese plant Monstera minima including decorative gold pots
- 2x Swiss cheese plant Monstera minima including decorative black pots
- African Fig Tree Ficus benghalensis 'Roy'
- Chain of hearts Ceropegia woodii incl. blue hanging pot - Hanging plant
- Chain of hearts Ceropegia woodii pink with brown hanging basket - Hanging plant
- Caladium 'Carnaval Surprise'
- 2x Swiss cheese plant Monstera minima
- 2x Plant mix in tube glass - Hydrophonics
- Kentia palm Livistona rotundifolia with decorative black pot
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens XL green Incl. seagrass basket
- Fan palm Livistona rotundifolia with natural-coloured wicker basket
- Bromeliad Bromelia sp Guzmania 'Crown' Red-Yellow