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Office plants
- 3x Indoor plants with leaf markings - Mix
- 4x Kokodama succulent - Mix with coir pot
- Peace lily Spathiphyllum 'Silver Cupido' White
- Peace lily Spathiphyllum 'Pearl Cupido' White incl. decorative pot
- Lady Palm Rhapis excelsa
- Croton Codiaeum 'Petra' XL
- Ragwort Senecio cephalphorus
- Bonsai Ficus 'Ginseng' S-shape
- 4x Indoor plant - Mix 'Amazone'
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens XL with palm leaf basket
- Prayer Plant Calathea 'Compact Star'
- Prayer Plant Calathea 'Compact Star' incl. decorative pot
- Columnar cactus Myrtillocactus geometrizans
- Jade Plant Crassula 'Hulk'
- 2x Yucca Yucca elephantipes
- 2x Pepper plant Peperomia argyreia
- 2x Sedum 'Tornado'
- 5x Dragon Tree Dracaena sanderiana
- Calathea makoyana with basket
- ZZ Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia incl. natural-coloured wicker basket
- ZZ Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia incl. grey wicker basket
- Frangipani Zamioculcas zamiifolia with decorative white pot
- ZZ Plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia
- Velvet Calathea 'Wavestar' XL