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Indoor plants in decorative pot
Some attractive indoor plants in pots are the finishing touch you need for your interior design. To make life even easier for you, we've created a lovely selection of potted plants so that you know that the pot definitely suits the plant and you don't have to repot it yourself. We have a range of types and sizes of plant in various colours of pot. If you're ready for a real green makeover, then choose a set of plants in a pot. You'll be all set in one go.
- 4x Trendy indoor plants - Mix including brown baskets
- 4x Air-purifying Calatheas - Mix including brown baskets
- 4x Air-purifying Calatheas - Mix including decorative anthracite pots
- 4x Prayer Plant Calathea, Ctenanthe - Mix Air-purifying plants incl. decorative pot
- String of dolphins Senecio peregrinus green including hanging pot rattan - Hanging plant
- Grey String of dolphins with mint-coloured hanging pot & Chain of hearts with blue hanging pot - Hanging plant
- Chinese money plant Pilea peperomioides incl. decorative pot
- 1x spotted begonia maculata + 1x Chinese money plant incl. decorative grey pots
- 1x Spotted begonia Begonia + 1x Chinese money plant Pilea with 2x decorative pots
- 1x spotted begonia maculata + 1x Chinese money plant incl. decorative pots
- 3x 0 - Mix 'Nairobi' with decorative ceramic pots
- Coconut palm Cocos nucifera incl. natural-coloured wicker basket
- Snake plant Sansevieria 'Fernwood Mikado' incl. decorative pot
- Coconut palm Cocos nucifera incl. decorative pot
- 4x Asian indoor plants - Mix 'Green paradise' with decorative pots
- Aloe vera incl. decorative pot terracotta grey
- Sword fern Nephrolepis 'Green Lady' including basket
- Sword fern Nephrolepis 'Green Lady' with embossed decorative pot
- Sword fern Nephrolepis 'Green Lady' incl. decorative pot
- 3x Ferns - Mix 'Juliette Green' with decorative pots 'Juliette Green'
- Sword fern Nephrolepis 'Green Lady' with decorative white pot
- 3x Ferns - Mix 'Ruby Green' with decorative pots 'Ruby Green'
- 1x Alocasia macrorrhiza + 1x Strelitzia 'nicolai' including brown baskets
- 4x Indoor plants that are easy to care for - Mix including decorative pots