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Green House Plants
Green house plants bring life, colour and add character to the home. They are easy to care for and can be placed either on a window sill, living room furniture or on a coffee table even in a slightly darker spot of the room. These top-quality plants will be delivered directly to your home, which is very convenient. Choose your favourite green house plants from the range below.
- 3x Bedroom plants - Mix
- Coffee plant Coffea incl. wooden pot
- Snake plant Sansevieria 'Fernwood Punk'
- Philodendron 'Shangri La'
- Elephant's ear (Taro) Alocasia zebrina
- Elephant's ear Alocasia zebrina with decorative gold pot
- African Fig Tree Ficus benghalensis 'Audrey'
- Calathea Stromanthe 'Triostar'
- Calathea leopardina
- Zebra Plant Calathea zebrina
- Shadow plant Calathea 'White Star' green-white-pink
- 2x Bromelia Tillandsia green on deco wood
- 3x Succulents - Mix 'Magic Tree' 'Magic Tree'
- Kangaroo fern Microsorum diversifolium incl. plastic hanging pot
- Chinese evergreen Aglaonema commutatum 'Key Lime' green-yellow
- 1x Areca palm Dypsis lutescens + 1x Mexican dwarf palm with decorative pots
- 1x Areca palm Dypsis lutescens + 1x Mexican dwarf palm with decorative pot + stand
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens incl. blue decorative pot
- 3x Cutting mix 'Berlin' in glass - Hydrophonics
- Ball Cactus Echinopsis oxygona
- Bird of paradise plant Strelitzia nicolai incl. decorative turquoise pot
- Bird of paradise plant Strelitzia nicolai incl. basket
- Mother fern Asplenium Parvati with wicker basket
- Bonsai Ficus 'Ginseng' including decorative white pot