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- Swiss cheese plant Monstera deliciosa green including basket
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with decorative white pot
- Snake plant Sansevieria 'Futura Superba' incl. decorative white pot
- Hart's-tongue Fern Asplenium scolopendrium
- Fishbone Prayer Plant Ctenanthe amagris
- Ti Plant Cordyline 'Rumba'
- Fire Barrel Cactus Ferocactus stainesii
- Bromelia Tillandsia ionantha Red
- Painted-leaf Begonia 'Lima Love'
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including decorative black pots
- Painted-leaf Begonia masoniana
- Chinese evergreen Aglaonema 'Silver Bay' grey-green
- Bromelia Tillandsia 'Druid'
- Kokodama Spiderwort Tradescantia zebrina with coir pot - Hanging plant
- Snake plant Sansevieria 'Futura Superba' incl. decorative pot
- 3x Succulents - Mix 'Madrid' with decorative pots
- Kokodama Sedum Sedum 'Tornado' with coir pot - Hanging plant
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including decorative pots
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with decorative anthracite pots
- Butterfly Orchid Phalaenopsis 'Las Vegas' Orange incl. decorative pot
- Calathea orbifolia with basket
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens incl. decorative pot
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with natural-coloured wicker basket
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including decorative white pots