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Air-purifying Plants
The unusual side of air-purifying ouseplants means that, even more than other plant, they are great for supplying healthy oxygen in the surrounding air. Air-purifying plants also have the unique ability to absorb harmful particles in our environment - say given off by furniture, clothes, carpeting, wall-coverings, paint, printers etc. and to break these down upon absorption. Air-purifying houseplants also tend to improve humidity in our homes via the plants normal regulating evaporation process. Order the pretties air-purifying houseplants from right now!
- Arcea palm Dypsis Lutescens
- Rattlesnake Plant Calathea lancifolia 'Insigne'
- Air-purifying plants - Mix 'Zuiverend Groen' Incl. decorative pots
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with basket & decorative pot
- Peacock Plant Calathea makoyana
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with natural-coloured wicker basket
- Areca palm Dypsis lutescens with decorative sea grass pots
- Eternal Flame Plant Calathea crocata
- Mexican Dwarf Palm Chamaedorea elegans
- 1x Areca palm Dypsis lutescens + 1x Mexican dwarf palm Chamaedorea elegans
- Hart's-tongue Fern Asplenium scolopendrium
- Mother fern Asplenium Parvati with ornamental earthenware pot
- 4x Air-purifying indoor plants - Mix including 4x decorative anthracite pots
- Kokodama Boston Fern Platycerium bifurcatum - Hanging plant
- Kentia palm Howea forsteriana incl. decorative pot
- Indoor palm Howea forsteriana XL with natural-coloured wicker basket
- Indoor palm Howea forsteriana XL with decorative gold pot
- Indoor palm Howea forsteriana XL with natural-coloured wicker basket
- Spider plant Chlorophytum 'Vittatum'
- Peace lily Spathiphyllum 'Bingo Cupido' White incl. decorative pot
- Windmill Palm Livistona rotundifolia
- Swiss cheese plant Monstera 'Monkey Leaf' including decorative white pot
- Swiss cheese plant Monstera 'Monkey Leaf' - Hanging plant
- Swiss cheese plant Monstera 'Monkey Leaf' incl. decorative pot - Hanging plant
Air-purifying Plants
Our homes give off significant amounts of harmful gases that are absorbed by the foliage of air-purifying houseplants. These then give us oxygen in return! The microclimate in our homes is improved for everyone when you use air-purifying houseplants. has an extensive collection of specially selected air-purifying plants that will improve the microclimate in any home, school or office. Everybody needs the purified air that these lovely houseplants produce.