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Sturdy and shining

It looks just like a painting! The leaves on the Hosta 'Queen Josephine' (Hosta hybride) are as pretty as a picture. Shining leaves with a yellow edge. The robust plant decorates the garden. The bee and butterfly-friendly plant has also been organically grown! The Hosta blooms in the summer with purple flowers.
Put the Hosta in partial shade. Keep the soil around the roots moist. But it should never be soaking wet.
The perennial is organically certified! This means no chemical pesticides have been used to grow the plant. For a garden without toxins. That's how we avoid harming the environment!

Hosta 'Queen Josephine' Green - Bio - Hardy plant

Hosta hybrid 'Queen Josephine'

Regular price £10.49
Sale price £10.49 Regular price £10.49
Tax included.

Fast delivery, within 5 working days

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Sustainably packed with recycled packaging material

Fresh from the nursery

Largest product range of organic plants

Supplied as container plant
Flowering June - September
Cut flower
Growing height 35 - 40 cm
6 months growth and flowering guarantee
Hardy plant
Location: Half shadow
Location: Shadow
Planting distance 40 - 50 cm
Hostas are pretty, leafy plants that look lovely in pots or window boxes too. Choose a pot with holes in the base for drainage. A porous pot is best lined with plastic to help retain moisture and then the plant will not dry out quite so quickly. Cover the holes with potsherds or hydro-pellets and add some fresh potting compost before planting your hosta at the correct height. Then fill the pot and press it all firmly in. Water immediately and generously, then stand the whole thing in (part) shade.
If planting your hosta in the garden, dig a wide hole and loosen the soil with a fork. Plant at the correct height - the top of the root ball should come to just under soil level. Fill the hole and heel well in. Water immediately and generously. Hostas thrive in fairly moist, humus rich soil. Improve poor soil with some well-rotted manure. Mixing Hostas with other plants The pretty shape of the blue-green hosta leaf looks pretty fabulous in a large planter. This leafy plant is also however quite a must have plant in the border among other flowering perennials like the daylily (Hemerocallis) 'Stella de Oro'. You could also use hostas as ground cover, together with some spotted deadnettle (Lamium maculatum) 'Beacon Silver'.
Water your hosta regularly and do not allow it to dry out. Hostas are pretty intolerant to drought. Snip the dead flowers stalks out. Bakker advises regular feeding throughout the summer, for good growth and abundant flowering. Hostas are hardy perennials. Cut back all dead foliage in spring and you will soon see the 'noses' of the new shoots appearing. A sunny spot makes the leaves turn a brighter green. Partly shaded hosta leaves tend to retain their pretty blue colour.
Hostas come in many varieties and cultivars with lots of various leaf colours, flower colours and leaf shapes. They also vary enormously in size. The nicely shaped, oval through heart-shaped leaves are often very striking in their colour and sometimes the veins are very prominent too. White or lilac, scented flowers appear in the summer along sturdy and tall stems. They grow high above the leaves and add elegance to this lovely plant throughout the summer.
Hosta is classified under Asparagaceae.

Sturdy and shining

It looks just like a painting! The leaves on the Hosta 'Queen Josephine' (Hosta hybride) are as pretty as a picture. Shining leaves with a yellow edge. The robust plant decorates the garden. The bee and butterfly-friendly plant has also been organically grown! The Hosta blooms in the summer with purple flowers.
Put the Hosta in partial shade. Keep the soil around the roots moist. But it should never be soaking wet.
The perennial is organically certified! This means no chemical pesticides have been used to grow the plant. For a garden without toxins. That's how we avoid harming the environment!

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