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Large and compact blooms

A favourite of butterflies and bees. And also of ours! The beautiful fragrance of the honeysuckle 'Celestial' (Lonicera hybrid) is so enticing. The profuse flowering of the 'Celestial' makes this climbing plant a cheerful addition to our garden or patio. But beware! This perennial plant is poisonous to humans. The flowers bloom in the summer.
The plant needs support from a rack or fence to grow. Prune the climbing plant in the spring. This way we stimulate the plant's growth. The honeysuckle loves partial shade. Give the plant extra water in dry periods.

Honeysuckle 'Celestial' orange - Hardy plant

Lonicera hybride 'Celestial'

Regular price £23.49
Sale price £23.49 Regular price £23.49
Tax included.

Fast delivery, within 5 working days

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Sustainably packed with recycled packaging material

Fresh from the nursery

Largest product range of organic plants

Supplied as container plant
Not edible
Flowering May - September
Growing height 200 - 300 cm
6 months growth and flowering guarantee
Hardy plant
Location: Half shadow
Location: Shadow
Planting distance 100 - 150 cm
Make sure the root ball of the Honeysuckle is well-moistened by soaking it in a bucket full of lukewarm water overnight. Prepare a suitable hole in fertile, humus-rich soil and plant the root ball at the appropriate depth in the hole. The soil can be improved by adding some compost and garden manure. Place this plant in full or partial sunshine. The top of the root ball should be just slightly below ground level. Fill the hole with soil and press firmly. Water immediately after planting. The Honeysuckle is a climbing plant The Honeysuckle has smooth branches that hang freely from the plant. This climber naturally grows in the forest and uses trees and bushes as climbing aids. A smooth wall is not ideal for this plant as they are not self-clinging, therefore will require the support of a trellis or fence. This plant can be combined with Lathyrus Latifolius and Clematis.
The Honeysuckle grows with its 'head' facing the sun. For a good growth, it's best if its roots stay cool. Give it extra water during dry periods to prevent the soil from drying out. Provide it with a layer of mulch of garden compost and manure during the winter. After flowering, slightly trim it, strong pruning is not well-tolerated as this can result in the loss of flowers. In March if overgrown, thin out by cutting back the side shoots to 4 bud eyes or 15 cm, this will encourage the growth of new shoots.
You can still find wild Honeysuckles in forests. They are fragrant climbers that will thrive anywhere and grow very rapidly. The beautifully-shaped flowers spread a delicious scent, especially during the night! Red poisonous berries sometimes appear after the flowering period.

Large and compact blooms

A favourite of butterflies and bees. And also of ours! The beautiful fragrance of the honeysuckle 'Celestial' (Lonicera hybrid) is so enticing. The profuse flowering of the 'Celestial' makes this climbing plant a cheerful addition to our garden or patio. But beware! This perennial plant is poisonous to humans. The flowers bloom in the summer.
The plant needs support from a rack or fence to grow. Prune the climbing plant in the spring. This way we stimulate the plant's growth. The honeysuckle loves partial shade. Give the plant extra water in dry periods.

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